History and origin: originated on the island of Ibiza, which is in the western Mediterranean and owned by Spain. The breed origins are thought to be over 5000 years old and depictions of a similar breed are found in hieroglyphs and tombs of pharaohs in Egypt. They are classified as aprimitive type hunting breed and were used in Spain to hunt hares and rabbits. It is believed that Phoenician merchants brought the breed to the Balearic islands (Ibiza and Mallorca)) and they remained there unspoiled for 2000 years. Hunters retained the strongest and fleetest dogs to hunt and catch small prey for food.
General Appearance: Tall breed, slim build, with large upright prick ears. Racy and deer like elegance, appearance, and expression. A little longer than tall. Long straight legs. Head is long and lean without excess flesh. Eyes are amber or caramel coloured .Nose and lips flesh coloured. Neck is slender and long extending to a straight level back and long tail carried correctly as either a saber, sickle or ring. Size: Height: Males 24 – 27 ½. Females: 22 ½ – 26 male weight 44-55 lbs female weight 40- 51 lbs. Specimens under or over these recommendations are not to be penalized if other qualities are good. No Ibizan should be fat or massive in appearance.
Coat Colour and care: Red, lion, or white or a mixture of red and white with no colour preference. Smooth coat is tight and harsh with longer hair on tail and backs of thighs . Wire coat can be up to about 4 inches long, often longer on back and usually wuth a beard and moustache. Both coats have equal favour. Care only requires an occasional brushing and bathing. Whiskers remain intact.
Feeding: High quality kibble or raw fed once daily to adult dogs.
Training and Obedience: Considered a sight hound. Versatile and easily trained in obedience as well as tracking, lure coursing, scent detection, and hunt tests.
Activity: love to run and need daily exercise. Adapt easily to several types of living conditions. Fast and agile. . However, off leash only in a closed controlled environment as they do have strong prey drive and will chase squirrels and rabbits given the chance. Very capable of jumping great heights.
Temperament: alert and kindly demeanor, affectionate and loyal, good with children and other dogs. May be wary of strangers. Great family dog.