History and origin: The poodle is one of the oldest pure bred dogs, its origin is thought to be France by many, but is actually Germany. Despite their looks they come from a line of hard working sporting dogs. The name poodle came from the German Pudelhund or Pudel ( which in English means “puddle” ) meaning “to splash about”, and the word Hund in German means “dog”. The Poodle was extremely popular in France making them their national breed. Their original purpose was a retriever or “gun dog” and are still used by hunters today. In France the breed was also named “chien canard or caniche” also indicating its duck hunting qualities. While the Poodle was mostly known for being a water retriever they were also used as truffle hunters, guide dogs, guard dogs, military dogs, circus performer and wagon pullers. Making them a truly versatile breed and spiking their popularity.
General Appearance: The Poodle’s body type is a reflection of its athletic roots. The square-proportioned Poodle has a graceful appearance and a proud carriage. Its gait is springy, effortless, and light.
Height: 11 to 15 inches Weight: 12 to 20 pounds
Coat and Colour: Miniature Poodles can come in any solid colour, Apricot, Black, Blue, Brown, Cream, Red, Silver, Silver Beige, White and combination coat colours, such as black and white or other non solid coat colours. The coat is dense, curly, and harsh; this coat is water resistant, and if corded, it hangs tight. Poodles have webbed feet to assist them in swimming. Traditionally the clips were used for ornamental and functional purposes. The Puppy Clip, Continental, and English saddle, are the types of acceptable clips for Show Poodles. The coat can also be shaved into a functional “Historic” Continental clip used when they were hunting to protect vital organs, provide buoyancy and help the dog to paddle through the water and turn. Poodles are often called hypo allergenic dogs. No dog is truly hypo allergenic; all dogs have dander which is the protein responsible for allergic reactions. Poodles as well as some other breeds shed much less dander than other breeds so people with allergies may tolerate a poodle in their lives. If you have allergies or someone in the family does, keeping your poodle bathed on a regular basis will help to keep the dander away and minimize allergic reactions.

Temperament and Trainability: Poodles are a highly intelligent, easily trainable breed who have a good-nature. They are adaptable and loving. Poodles make excellent companions, they are good with children, other dogs and cats. Crate training is recommended for young puppies, as is a basic obedience class. Poodles excel at obedience, and agility. There are poodle representatives in most dog sports as well as service/therapy dogs. They make excellent travel and activity buddies: a truly versatile breed that adapts easily to whatever life brings.
Energy and Exercise: Miniature Poodles require just as much exercise as any other active breed of dog. Poodles require a lot of socialization and interaction with humans, as well as physical and mental exercise. A short and challenging play or obedience session, in addition to a walk, is required every day, although, poodles should not be allowed to live outdoors. They like nothing better than to spend the evening, snuggled beside you on the couch.
Grooming: Poodles do not shed however their hair does fall out just like ours. Sso when a poodle’s hair does fall out it gets trapped in the adjoining hair, causing matting. Therefore, it should be removed at all costs. This can be done by taking your poodle for a haircut, which should be done once every four to six weeks minimum, by a professional pet groomer. They should also be brushed out at home every week to make sure that the matting does not get severe. Trimming toenails and cleaning ears are important regular grooming tasks in this breed. You can also learn to groom your own poodle; books and online resources are available for learning.
Feeding: Poodles do best on raw/ homemade dog food or high-quality kibble from a variety of protein sources. Omega additives add beneficial oils and fats that enhance the coat and general health.