We have argued, raged, hashed, and rehashed a recent CKC media blooper but the end result has placed the purebred dog and its dedicated breeders in serious jeopardy. What happens now is a concerted effort to try and fix that which was erroneously aired. But the horse is out and now the barn door is shut. We can choose to wallow in the anger and disappointment and let it consume us, or we can rise up out of the ashes of doom and search for victory in other avenues.
“For The Love Of Purebred Dogs” and all of its determined assistants and followers are moving ever forward, carefully, in an ongoing effort to promote and protect the purebred dog. Join us please as we make every attempt to overcome the recent hurdle placed in our way and jump through the hoops of determination to continue to advance and celebrate our very special purebred dogs.
Choosing a puppy isn’t a whimsical waltz through the home of a breeder, romping with puppies and then moving on to the next visitation as though it were a Saturday afternoon stroll through a car lot. We cannot kick the tires and peer under the hood. Rather, it is an educated, well thought out plan, encompassing a detailed process, guided by incremental chunks of information, each section being a lead in to the next until finally a breed has been chosen that will be the best fit for a single person or a family of four.
We can offer that information and guarantee it is delivered in a sound, logical and protective way because we are experienced, savvy, purebred dog breeders. We volunteer our time to mentor and reach out to the public on a personal level, ever cognizant of the fact that promotion and education must be offered at the grass roots level, by dedicated passionate breeders who exemplify loyalty, honour, and integrity.