We Canadians are a very competitive group on the whole. Just check out any of your local sports fields or arenas. That competitive spirit can find many outlets in the Purebred Dog World. There are any number of Performance Sports available to you as a Purebred Dog owner. Read More
What do “Papers” look like?
Your dog’s registration certificate is a rather formal looking document issued by the registering body/club of the country where you live. Read More
How Much Is That Doggy In The Window?
A primer for new or first time puppy buyers
Keeping Them Safe
NEVER ASSUME!! Just because your dog has been safe 1,000 times before, does not mean that it is safe all the time. You never know what will cause a dog that has always been perfect off leash, to suddenly bolt and run. Read More
Why Use A Dog Crate?
Is it cruel to lock my dog in a crate or cage?
Many people think this is true, as they would certainly not want to be locked in a crate (note that dog crate and dog cage are the same thing) for any length of time themselves. Read More
Why Have A Show Dog?
There are lots of reasons why you might like to show your dog.
- Show off what a fabulous dog you have
The showing process compares your dog with other dogs, which can convince other people what a fabulous dog you have. Read More
Why Choose a Purebred Dog?
For thousands of years, man has bred strains of dogs with desired characteristics and/or ability and instincts to perpetuate and enhance these characteristics. Purebred dogs are true to type when mated. Offspring are predictable in appearance and instinct, and are more reliable in temperament. Read More
So You Want To Buy A Purebred Puppy?
This is where it all begins. A young purebred beauty, purchased from a responsible breeder, that will give you years of enjoyment with the added bonus of thrusting you and your family into the exciting world of purebred dogs and possibly dog shows and related competitive events. Read More
Selecting a Purebred Dog
Purebred dogs
Purebred dog breeders put a lot of time and money into ensuring their puppies are healthy. Careful records are kept with the pedigree of each dog and many breeders even go to the trouble of using artificial insemination from purebred dogs around the world to ensure their bloodlines stay strong and varied. Read More
Pedigrees and Purebred Dogs
Purebred dogs are much more than a pretty face. It is the ‘family tree’ that determines what is inside the eye-catching exterior. The pedigree is a written record that shows at least 3 generations, often more, with correct names of all relatives. When purchasing a purebred dog, you should be supplied with this document. Read More
Foods That Are Dangerous For Your Dog
- Alcohol (Beer, Wine, Spirits) same effect on liver and brain that it has on humans with an even greater risk of illness.
- Avocado: Contains persin, a substance that can damage heart, lung and other tissue.
- Baby Food: May contain onion powder, which can be toxic to dogs. Read More
Kids and Dogs
If you are near a neighbour’s dog or a friend’s dog, always ask the person in charge if you can pet it before you play with it. Always let a dog see you and smell you before you touch it, even if it is your own dog. Dogs get to know people, places and things by how they smell. Read More
Choosing a Veterinarian
- What are the hospital’s business hours? Do they fit your schedule?
- How many veterinarians are at the hospital?
- Can you see the same vet on each visit? Read More
How a Dog Show Works
Judging the dogs
A dog show is judged quite simply on an elimination process. There is no stop watch or timing device to beat, but rather, it is one person’s opinion in the ring ( judge), who determines which dog is the most correct in all areas. ie looks, coat and colour, size, temperament, trotting soundness. Read More