Recently a group of concerned individuals banded together to better endorse and capture the essence of the purebred dog in all ways possible through promotion, protection and education, with a desire to fortify the status of the purebred dog across Canada. Read More
Click on a breed featured below to view the full profile!
Purebred dogs
Purebred dog breeders put a lot of time and money into ensuring their puppies are healthy. Careful records are kept with the pedigree of each dog and many breeders even go to the trouble of using artificial insemination from purebred dogs around the world to ensure their bloodlines stay strong and varied. Read More
- Alcohol (Beer, Wine, Spirits) same effect on liver and brain that it has on humans with an even greater risk of illness.
- Avocado: Contains persin, a substance that can damage heart, lung and other tissue.
- Baby Food: May contain onion powder, which can be toxic to dogs. Read More
There are lots of reasons why you might like to show your dog.
- Show off what a fabulous dog you have
The showing process compares your dog with other dogs, which can convince other people what a fabulous dog you have. Read More
NEVER ASSUME!! Just because your dog has been safe 1,000 times before, does not mean that it is safe all the time. You never know what will cause a dog that has always been perfect off leash, to suddenly bolt and run. Read More
Judging the dogs
A dog show is judged quite simply on an elimination process. There is no stop watch or timing device to beat, but rather, it is one person’s opinion in the ring ( judge), who determines which dog is the most correct in all areas. ie looks, coat and colour, size, temperament, trotting soundness. Read More
Is it cruel to lock my dog in a crate or cage?
Many people think this is true, as they would certainly not want to be locked in a crate (note that dog crate and dog cage are the same thing) for any length of time themselves. Read More