The Pointer is bred primarily for sport afield; he should unmistakably look and act the part. The ideal specimen gives the immediate impression of compact power and agile grace; the head noble, proudly carried; the expression intelligent and alert; the muscular body bespeaking both staying power and dash. Here is an animal whose every movement shows him to be a wide-awake, hard-driving hunting dog possessing stamina, courage, and the desire to go. And in his expression are the loyalty and devotion of a true friend of man.
Temperament: The Pointer’s even temperament and alert good sense make him a congenial companion both in the field and in the home. He should be dignified and should never show timidity toward man or dog.
Height: 25-28″ (64-71 cm) for males, females approximately 2″ smaller.
Weight: 55-75 lb (25-34 kg) for males, females are about 10 lb (4.5 kg) less.
Coat: Short and dense, shiny. Minimum grooming. An occasional bath and a rub down with a rough towel or rubber curry type brush will keep their coats in good condition. They do shed quite a bit.
Colours: The standard says no good Pointer can be a bad colour. They are generally white with black, liver, orange or lemon spots but solid versions of those colours are also correct.
Feeding: Any good quality food will be acceptable.
Training & obedience: Pointers are very high energy dogs and are strong for their size so obedience training is recommended. They need well fenced yards as they are hunting dogs and will roam over a wide area if they are not confined.
House breaking: Crate training is recommended, they are naturally clean dogs and will readily accept housetraining.
Crate training: An adult pointer will need at least a 400 size crate. They should be crate trained from puppyhood as it will facilitate housebreaking and they should be crated when travelling.
Exercise: puppy to adult: No forced exercise like jogging with you or biking until they are at least 1 year old as their joints will not be developed and it could cause harm. They have very high energy and will be much easier to live with if they have a good run a couple of times a day and plenty of free exercise in a well fenced area. Unless you are prepared to do a lot of walking or other exercise with your dog, this is not a good breed for an apartment.