Ch Krisma’s X Man First Class aka Xavier
For those of us who have been immersed in the sport of purebred dogs for any length of time, we recognize the feeling of that one special dog that fills the eye and quickens the heart. It might be in the ring, in our own back yard, or even within the community. Wherever we find it, we are drawn to the exquisite beauty and historical relevance of such a creature. And so it was with Canada’s best dog of all breeds in 2018.
Xavier or X man, is a Kerry Blue Terrier, grand in all respects, from his typical blue/grey coat colouring, to his proper bodily construction and fiery determined attitude so befitting of the terrier breeds generally. This dog was discovered in the U.S. after some extensive searching by Marcel Bourgon, a long time Bichon Frise breeder. Marcel was deeply interested in finding a terrier to campaign in Canada and after due diligence and communication with a mutual contact, X Man would be the dog that Marcel would present to the Canadian fancy for 2018. The ‘deal’ was struck, proper documentation was signed for a Canadian co-ownership and Marcel became the primary owner. And so began the 2018 show scene.
Developing a plan, organizing a year long show career, choosing a gifted handler and maintaining a respectful and professional stance are challenging issues in an undertaking of this magnitude. Through it all: the country wide travel, the long hours, flight times, grooming essentials , the highs and lows of victory and defeat, and yes, even the dreaded ‘politics’, the one constant ray of sunshine was Xavier himself. He headed into each show each weekend as though it was his first. He faced each ring time with a brilliant determination fully certain that he alone was the chosen one.
He surged to multiple best in shows across Canada without hesitation. Connie, his handler, did not need to coax or cajole him into performing. He simply did, with the zest and competitive spirit of a true athlete. Powerful and magnificent in motion and outline, Xavier commanded attention. Throughout the year he exhibited the absolute joy of being a true show dog, always willing and enthusiastic. When relaxing at home with Connie, or on the road in a hotel room, he was the consummate pet enjoying the luxuries of romping playfully in the yard or sharing the bed. X Man represents our paramount expectation and ideals for the purebred dog, produced by a preservation breeder and promoted by his owners and handlers, they all being respected individuals who are captivated by and cherish the purebred dog in all its forms.
For The Love Of Purebred Dogs is proud to salute………
Xavier: Canada’s Top Dog of all breeds for 2018 Ch Krisma’s X Man First Class and his talented handler and groomer extraordinaire, Connie Krohn
Owners: Marcel Bourgon, Lois Grier, Cheryl Kabarchuk