We had all hoped that 2021 would be a new beginning, leaving behind the endless cancellation of shows and advancing to a brighter future with a normal show and performance schedule and the chance to once again enjoy our friends and our sport. But alas it was not to be. The virus has taken a strong hold on our community, our provinces, and our country. We have watched in horror as the numbers soar, and we feel the helplessness of knowing our closest friends are affected and suffering in hospital. Our prayers are many and our hope is dwindling. We are only just beginning to see the needed vaccines being distributed, but the masses across the country are still waiting for their turn at what is hoped will save us as a nation from this unseen enemy. In the meantime, as we wait for vaccines, we continue to be locked down, shelter at home, wash hands thoroughly and often, and wear our masks everywhere. It is our only defense against a deadly and insidious illness. In an effort to keep us focused and maintain some normalcy, FTLOPD has been hard at work over the past many months keeping the beautiful website updated and adding new breeds from time to time. As well, our lovely new promotional items are finding their way across Canada and into the US. Many a preservation breeder has been warmed this winter by our toques, scarves, and beanies. And more recently I have offered a new style sweatshirt that is getting rave reviews. Our smaller items are also popular and help to spread the word about the benefits and historical relevance of our beautiful purebred dogs. Pictured is our bumper sticker.