BO and COLIN and KIM
I think we can all agree that 2020 was a difficult and frustrating year for those of us involved in the sport of dogs. We had deep concerns for many friends and acquaintances afflicted with the covid virus and we mourned the loss of so many others. But the vaccine came and with it the hope that perhaps w could put this pandemic behind us and continue our lives with some sense of normalcy. Shows continued to be cancelled due to an inability to follow public health guidelines in various regions. But some were able to rise above and our sport started to flourish again, certainly with a degree of trepidation but also with a rising sense of exhilaration and excitement. Onto this scene emerged a most glorious Siberian Husky bred by Kim Leblanc of Snowmist fame and born at her kennel in northern Ontario. ‘For the Love of Purebred Dogs’ is proud to present Multi CH Snowmist’s Bodacious. Bo was one of 8 puppies in his litter and debuted in the ring at the 2014 Canadian National winning sweeps from the 3-6 month class. He finished his Canadian Ch as a puppy, moved on to the US in 2015 winning another specialty sweeps and shortly thereafter finished his US title. In 2017 he flew with Kim to Leipzig, Germany and swept an entry of 100 Siberians to earn the title of German Winner. He was also part of the Snowmist Breeders Group that won BIS that same day. Kim came home and Bo remained in Europe and earned titles in Lithuania, Germany, Poland, and Portugal. In April 2018 Bo completed his European tour with BIS in Germany, having been awarded Best of Breed and Group1 under breeder judge Guido Schafer. He then returned home to Ontario.
Bo is a beautiful black and white Siberian with the most fabulous temperament. He traveled easily and fearlessly in Canada and across Europe, rising to each occasion with the zest and steadiness of a true working northern breed. In early 2020 Colin and Bo teamed up and it was immediate mutual respect, with an instant connection between the two of them that is so important for the show ring success of dog and handler. Bo soared around the ring and had that thrilling ability to make you believe he could do it all day long. Certainly that is the mark of a great sled dog, combining correct structure with an indomitable attitude and topped off with a weather resistant coat and beautiful face. Such was Bo and he delighted onlookers whenever he entered the ring. At the first show of the year, Wildwood KC in 2020 , Bo placed in the group and the following day was awarded RBIS, thus beginning his career towards top dog status. And while the road to that pinnacle was a rocky one due to covid, Bo accepted the challenge with grace and dignity. In a year of uncertainty, Bo represented stability and beauty in our ever changing world. Well done Bo!!!!!