An update on FTLOPD activities……Last fall near Christmas, we partnered with member Debbie McMahon and her law office to assist with the making of help bags for the homeless in Niagara Falls as part of the ‘Out of the Cold’ program. These bags consisted of self care products ( soap, toothpaste etc) as well as cold weather items such as scarves, gloves and toques. Many of you made gracious monetary donations as well as donating bags and boxes of useful items. We were delighted with your assistance and Debbie’s office was able to assemble 60 well stocked help bags which were distributed to the needy on Niagara’s streets. This year we are hoping to double the number of bags. To that end and given the current state of our quarantines and with some extra time prior to gardening season, I’ve been working at my own personal donation with the making of scarves. They aren’t fancy, but should be a warm welcome when winter sets in once again.